WG Davies family | WG Davies - Servicing South Wales Skip to main content

WG Davies family

WG Davies is a place where talent is nurtured and with the right attitude and skill set, any member of staff can rise to the top.

WG Davies family


Our Managing Director is clear that WG Davies is a reflection of all the people who work for the company.  There is a genuine pride about the fact that some staff have been with us for over three decades and a number of those who hold the most senior positions started with us as apprentices straight from school.

Here are Roger’s words:

“I have never believed that WG Davies is the sum of our buildings, the equipment we own, or the offices we work from.  Now, more than ever, I know that WG Davies is the sum of our staff, the skills and energy you bring to work every day, combined with our customer base."

“Transport is suffering an unprecedented shortage of skills right now and we are not immune here at WG Davies.  The pandemic took its toll on logistics, it also demonstrated just how vital our sector is to the economy and I am proud of the part we played in keeping the wheels turning."

 “However, while the virus might be under control, the shortage of staff in our industry is at an all-time high.  I know we need to work harder than ever to make WG Davies a great place to work and your feedback through our staff survey provides vital insights to us."

 “The management team reviews the results in detail and I recently made the following three promises:"

Promise #1

"We will always offer internal moves and promotions to existing staff member before we look outside of WG Davies.  We want to keep the WG Davies family happy and you deserve the opportunity to progress."

Promise #2

"We will continue to invest in tooling and IT that allows you to do your best work – we know that working with outdated equipment is demoralising, so if there is something you need, please talk to your manager."

Promise #3

"I will always listen.  If there is something you want to share with me personally, please do not hesitate to speak up and where I can, I will act."

 “I want to keep the WG Davies family strong and I want you to feel you are treated as individuals and that you are recognised and valued for your contribution to everything that we achieve.”



WG Davies family



WG Davies family